Poem: Mask {healing hurts}

SS: Attending Best friend's wedding wearing Saree


The sun was shining brightly on the day of her best friend’s marriage. Namrita had been excited about this day for months, and she wanted to look her absolute best. She decided to wear her favorite saree – a vibrant shade of green red with beautiful golden threadwork – and chose a gold jewellery necklace to complete the look.

As she nervously entered the hall, she could feel hundreds of eyes on her. She blushed deeply.
The ceremony began and Namrita was in awe at the beauty of the decorations and the music that filled the room. She could feel the love in the air as the couple exchanged their vows. Namrita wanted to cry but somehow managed to keep her composure.

After the ceremony, Namrita was surrounded by people who wanted to take pictures with her. She was so overwhelmed that she could barely speak, but she was happy to oblige. She felt like a princess and for the first time, she truly felt beautiful.

Later that night, she took off her saree, feeling grateful for the memories and the experience. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, blushing over the fact that she was remembered and admired by so many. She knew that this day was one of the most special moments of her life.
