Poem: Mask {healing hurts}

Poem: But she'll remember her friends with care {likerock}


She sits alone by the campfire's glow,

The flames dancing in the night's ebb and flow.

Her friends are too far away,
So she's left here, all alone to stay.

The smoke drifts up among the stars,

The embers pop, they fly so far.

A lonely figure far away,

The girl remains, no one to stay.

She watches the flames as they flicker and die,

Swirling ashes, the sparks fly high.
The memories of the past,
Her friends, so long gone, they don't last.

The night is still, the embers die,

She looks up at the moon in the sky.
The loneliness is hard to bear,
But she'll remember her friends with care.



  • This poem paints a melancholic picture of a young woman sitting alone by the fire. She is by herself because her friends are too far away. As she watches the flames dance and flicker, she remembers the past and is consumed with loneliness. The loneliness is difficult to bear, but she has the memories of her friends to help her through it. 
  • The poem ends with her looking up at the moon in the night sky, finding comfort in its presence. This poem is a powerful reminder that loneliness can sometimes be hard to bear, but that it can also be a source of strength.
