Poem: Mask {healing hurts}

SS: She became the best supportive sister

    It was a warm and sunny day, the day of his birthday. Lux had been looking forward to it for a while now, excited by the thought of a day all about him. As he opened his eyes, he heard a faint ping from his phone. He grabbed it and opened the message. It was from Ruhi, a girl he grown close to like a sister over the next few years.

"Happy Birthday! I hope you have the best day ever. You deserve it."

He smiled at the kind words and the warmth he felt in his chest. It was nice to know that someone cared enough to remember and make him feel special on his birthday.

The message meant even more to him because of how close he and Ruhi had become. They had grown so close that she had even asked him to be her brother in her wedding. It had been such an honor and a privilege to be part of such an important day in her life.

Lux sat back and let himself bask in the moment. Knowing that Ruhi had taken the time to think of him was enough to make his day, and it would be something he'd always remember!

