Poem: Mask {healing hurts}

Poem: Unbowed {Pearlharbor}


In a world of endless possibilities,

Sits a girl, a genius, evolved and free.

No boundaries, no limits can ever contain, 

No self doubt she’s always certain.

Her thoughts and her words surpass boundaries of time, 

Lifting the rest of us to see and to climb.

She's determined and sure, never afraid to be strong,

She packs for a journey that is life long.

Her frame is not fragile like glass or like wood,

It's resilient and strong and sometimes misunderstood.

A kaleidoscope of hues colour her soul,

She doesn’t see the process but aims for the goal.

Her thoughts so diverse – thinking outside the box, 

Fearless decisions her heart always locks. 

She knows who she is and makes no excuses,

Consistency of her always amuses!

Is she even real? Where can we find?

Look inside your brain and don’t act blind,

It is a part of yours, which  lies idle,

Get out of the matrix now, you are a titan.

Achieve great things with dedication and hard work

Put in the effort, no matter how it may hurt

Make yourself and your family proud

The hits and misses, but keep the fire burning, unbowed



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