Poem: Mask {healing hurts}

SS: Two Best friends: Akash and Sneha

The two friends lived in the small town of Kashmir, India. They had been friends since childhood and had been through thick and thin together.

Akash was the one who motivated them to get up and go out and explore the world. He was always looking for a new adventure, or a new challenge they could take on.

Sneha was the problem solver of the group, she had the ability to see through the problems and come up with solutions quickly. She was always there to help her friends when it mattered the most.

The two of them had some amazing adventures together, from exploring ancient ruins to skiing down the slopes of the local mountain. But no matter what their mission was, they could always count on each other to get the job done.

The friends had been through a lot together. They had faced dangers, and overcome obstacles, but in the end, they had grown even closer. The bonds of friendship between them had grown so strong, that nothing could ever break them.
